Leading us home: the experience of walking alongside the homeless
By Phil Brennan, Romero Institute, Waterford
On the periphery, we come to see the pain of the crucified Christ laid bare in the world. They live without the superfluous trappings that dim our view and numb our senses. They are stripped to the core, to the essentials. We who oft cast a derisory glance in their direction are the impoverished ones. They, in their vulnerability, become the source of great blessing to those who cross the threshold and dare to let go of all that once defined us.
I am convinced of one thing: the great changes in history were realised when reality was seen not from the centre but rather the periphery. Today’s world doesn’t know how to cry. The emarginated people, those left to one side, are crying. Those who are discarded are crying. Certain realities of life we only see through eyes cleansed by our tears… Have I learned to weep?.
Pope Francis, January, 2015

Pope Francis visits with homeless people in Rome and listens to their stories.

Dr Phil Brennan, Director, Romero Institute, Waterford
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