A Journey with the Spirit
Tidying my shelves the other day I came across a set of books carefully lined up. All were books by the University of Notre Dame scholar, priest and spiritual guide, … Continue Reading →
Tidying my shelves the other day I came across a set of books carefully lined up. All were books by the University of Notre Dame scholar, priest and spiritual guide, … Continue Reading →
On Sunday, April 17th, we celebrate Vocations Sunday in the Catholic Church. It is a day when we remember all who are thinking about how best to live this one … Continue Reading →
On the periphery, we come to see the pain of the crucified Christ laid bare in the world. They live without the superfluous trappings that dim our view and numb our senses. They are stripped to the core, to the essentials. We who oft cast a derisory glance in their direction are the impoverished ones. They, in their vulnerability, become the source of great blessing to those who cross the threshold and dare to let go of all that once defined us. Continue Reading →
Just before Christmas Pope Francis inaugurated the Year of Mercy for 2016. What at first appeared to be exclusively a pastoral response to internal situations in the Catholic Church, specifically … Continue Reading →
We have just turned the new year of 2016. Speaking, personally this year has always been an anticipated milestone in my life. As a school boy I remember my Fourth … Continue Reading →